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High Street - 151

From left to right:

Lucy Ann's


St Aubyns entrance and wall (was once a cottage)

Ghazals motors currently Shanes Kitchen

Tallboys Cottage (once home of the Thomas family and later the Gift Shop which inspired the writers of The League of Gentlemen)

Old Cottage Tea Rooms: Once three cottages: Eileen Hennessey's wool shop, Mockford's greengrocers and Crowey Mockford's cottage.

Mockford's extended the greengrocers into this last cottage.

Crowey Mockford would read his paper by the light from the window. When a boy, Len Avery would deliver meat from Hilder's butcher to the Mockfords. Len would deliberately stand blocking the light from the window to make Crowey swear. Crowey had the reputation of being the sweariest man in the village.

Image details

Year 1968